To Sir David Cannadine

Sir David Cannadine
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
14 May 2020

Dear Sir David

We hope this letter finds you well in these difficult and unprecedented times.

We were pleased to see the greatly improved entry on Nightingale (as of August 2019), not only because the names of a number of us make it into the references. It was good to see it available for the bicentenary of her birth.

However, the flawed entry on Mary Seacole remains unchanged. As you may recall, the members of the Nightingale Society wrote you on 11 October 2016 with the details of the errors (appended). As we noted in our 2016 letter to you, the errors of the ODNB are then repeated in coverage in other places, such as English Heritage and elsewhere. We urge you make these amendments.

Can you please confirm your action on this matter?

Yours sincerely
[10 members of the Nightingale Society]