Thank you for your letter (Our Ref LP/2015-04/8170) to Councillor Peck, The Mayor of Lambeth and Cabinet Members in respect of the Mary Seacole Statue proposed for St Thomas’ Hospital. As you may know, Lambeth Council’s role in this process was as the Planning Authority. The Planning Application – 11/04574/FUL has already been approved.
As Lambeth Council is not the proposer or owner of the statute it is not for Lambeth to suggest or promote an alternative site, especially as a site has already been approved after following the proper process. In these circumstances, I would suggest that you present your arguments and requests directly to the Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust to determine if they are willing to amend either the wording on the Statute or consider an alternative location in line with your representations
In respect, of the celebration of Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary we would of course be interested in in supporting you and others with promoting and developing events in the borough to mark this significant milestone. Our Events team (telephone 020 7926 6207) would be happy to offer advice and assistance on holding events in Lambeth, I would also suggest that you review this guide to holding events in Lambeth – ‘Outdoor events in Lambeth’ In addition, the following websites – & , provide excellent advice. The Council’s archive service may also prove to be a useful resource and contact with planning your arrangements, including the Landmark service – Lambeth Archives Image Collection.
Whilst I know that this was not the answer you were hoping for I hope that the above information is of some use to you.
Michael Warren
PA to Councillor Lib Peck, Leader of Lambeth Council