What the Nightingale Society Is
What It Is
- The Nightingale Society is committed to promoting knowledge of Nightingale’s work and its relevance in nursing, public health, hospitals, statistics and broader social reform issues today; It encourages scholarly work on other contributors to nursing and public health, especially to improve the diversity of recognized leaders;
- It will publicly defend Nightingale’s reputation when attacked, notably as by the campaign to replace Nightingale by Mary Seacole as the ‘pioneer nurse,’ at St Thomas’ Hospital;
- It advocates the fuller coverage of Nightingale’s contributions to society in school curricula.
What It Is Not
- It does not oppose the honouring of Seacole for her own contribution, at an appropriate site;
- While it supports the inclusion of Seacole in the school curriculum, it does not support the pairing of Nightingale and Seacole, who made very different contributions.

Florence Nightingale’s Writings
A great deal of Florence Nightingale’s writing is available on another website. This includes introductions to a massive 16-volume Collected Worked of Florence Nightingale. These volumes are only available for purchase –tell your library about them. Available free of charge are many short articles. Feel free to use them.
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